Customer Testimonials

  • Fantastic job hand-scraping my floors! I just can't get over how beautiful they are. It has transformed my home. Mike, Jo and their crew were wonderful and efficient! Their work is superior compared to other floors I have seen.
    Dawn Martin
  • Thank you to Jo, Mike, Phil, Dion and all who were involved in re-doing our wood floors. They are gorgeous and they made the process so easy!
    Beth Grier Huskins
  • Thank you for doing such a wonderful job. Our floors look fantastic! You were always on time, professional, knowledgable, respectful.. the list could go on and on. I will recommend you to everyone I know. Your craftsmanship has added value to our home and lifestyle. Many thanks.

    The Puckett Family
  • These floors are gorgeous! Please tell Phil, Dion, and all the other guys involved what a great job! Thanks to you all for all the scheduling and helping us in the process. We would never use anyone else! The while floor downstairs patch looks fantastic as well. THANK YOU!!

    Beth Huskins
  • Joanne and I wanted to thank you for the excellent service your team provided in repairing the failed board in our oak flooring. The repair was done the right way: they removed and replaced the split piece, rather than merely trying to glue it together. The repaired area is now refinished and looks great. You learn a lot about a company by how they handle problems. You guys have been marvelous and we will not hesitate to recommend you to any of our friends looking for flooring solutions!

    Greg Bachman
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